Innu Ashini
La Société de développement du Nitassinan

06/03/2011 - Innu Ashini au PDAC.

Innu Ashini at the largest mining exploration convention in the world, PDAC. Possible investors are eager to meet Innu Ashini delegation at the PDAC. For further information, please contact Guy Arbour, P.Eng., at 514 916.1296

11/02/2011 - Ajouts au conseil d’administration

Innu Ashini is pleased to welcome three new Innu leaders as members of the Board of administrators.

31/01/2011- Innu Ashini a le vent dans les voiles

Some important wind energy companies are looking at opportunities to invest in Innu Ashini. Partnerships will soon be in place to develop two major wind farms on Quebec Lower North Shore.


On compte 11 communautés
innues (neuf au Québec,
deux au Labrador)


innuGirlINNU ASHINI (“ashini” stands for “rocks” in Innu language) has been created to develop Nitassinan’s natural resources, i.e. mining resources as well as wind/hydro power, insuring maximum benefits for the Innu People and other local communities. Amongst promising mineral zones, Innu Ashini already identified uranium, rare earth elements, lithium, copper, nickel and zinc. Industrial minerals are also available. One major wind farm is planned in the West district of Quebec Lower North Shore and a smaller one near Pakua Shipi, at the extreme East of Quebec. In gathering together on the same Board some of the prominent Innu leaders, Innu Ashini hopes to achieve unity and foster progress and development for all the communities involved.


Innu Ashini
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